Metal Spirals and Augers Production

The company
The company Augers Division srl operates successfully and professionally in the field of metal spirals and augers, spiral sectors, continuous spirals, both single and assembled on a shaft or tube. It has a great experience in the building of augers in iron, steel, wear-resistant materials of all sizes and for all types of needs. Thanks to the use of sophisticated machinery and cutting-edge technical equipment, it was soon able to carve out increasingly larger market shares until it became a leading company in the sector, exporting its products all over the world and especially in the European market.
Product quality and punctual deliveries have always been principles characterizing the company's work. Thanks to the professionalism and experience of a valid staff, customer requests are immediately recognized and transformed into solutions, in such a way as to guarantee spirals of the highest quality, precision and convenience. The Augers division srl completes its range of products with the integration of a technical office equipped with specialized designers and technicians who use cutting-edge design tools such as solidworks and cad.